Monday 14 March 2011

Is Kellan getting too muscly?

I was reading an article earlier, which was saying that Kellan needs to cut down on the gym (read article here)

So I'm curious what you lot think....

Here's a couple of pictures to compare:

A slightly older (but oh so yummy) Calvin Klein add.

And more recently leaving the gym (February)

Personally it just sends my mind to the gutter and makes me think how easily he could pick someone (cough.. me.. cough) up...but thats just me, and I'm not going to complain one bit ;) (and should he ever needs a gym buddy....i'm always free :P)

But anyhow, let us know what you think on here, on twitter @KellanLutzUK or on facebook

And just to prove my mind isn't always in the gutter I feel I should put a picture of Kellan up..with more clothes on ;) Here's him looking rather muscly at his Birthday party this weekend....

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